About Wihbet

Wihbet Ministry is all about Christ. I’m producer and blogger at wihbet.comI bestew a strong passion for Historical Theology and Sociological Philosophy.

zerisenai berhane

Thank you for stopping by!

my story

Born and raised in Eritrea, and in April 1999 I knew Jesus Christ as my saviour and my God. I always had a passion to arts and writings. I studied a Postgraduate Diploma in Theological studies on top of my studies on Marine Sciences, Sociology, Political and Philosophical studies.


This website is developed to serve as a resource center for believers in Eritrea and around the world who seek to know God and grow in their spiritual walk with Him. I and this website is dedicated to be equipped to spread God’s love, forgiveness, & compassion to the lost. We are family and we believe and holds each other accountable, encourages each other & forgives one another. 


 Through – Written Resources, Blogs, YouTube Media Service and Podcasts – that to grasps God’s redemptive mission toward humanity, worshiping God & believes in the complete sufficiency of Scripture to speak into all areas of life.

We do hope and pray that these resources will help you come into a fresh relationship with our Lord and help you grow into spiritual maturity. Thank you for stopping by and may the Lord bless you as you seek to know Him more!

Our Vision

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Wihbet Ministry is all about Christ


We are one family


We are on mission of Life